A really good site we like to follow for crystal information is


Please check them out for more information on your specific crystals & gemstones

Always remember the true intentions and power of your crystals and gemstones are unique to the holder. Not everyone is the same and so each holder will have their own relationship with each piece. Always follow your intuition.

8mm Synthetic Gemstone Chakra Lava Bracelet: Waxed Lava Stones, Alloy Charms, Red Agate (Root), Amber (Sacral/Solar), Tigers Eye (Solar), Green King Stone (Heart), Turquoise (Throat), Lapis Lazuli (Third Eye), Amethyst (Crown)

Handmade – 8mm Genuine Gemstone Lava Bracelet: Natural Unwaxed Lava Stones, 9.25 Sterling Silver Charms, Bloodstone (Root), Carnelian (Sacral), Tiger’s Eye (Solar), Unakite (Heart), Amazonite (Throat), Iolite (Third Eye), Amethyst (Crown)

Handmade – 9.25 Sterling Silver, 6mm Waxed Lava Stone Earrings

Giftology Shoppe’s 100% Essential Oil Formulated with Ingredients Bellow and is created to stimulate all 7 chakras. I can only describe it as smelling “Perfect.” From other customers opinions and what I have observed, the scent that stands out the most to each individual is usually the chakra that needs healing.

Our Gemstones and Crystal Beads & Supplies are from Lima Beads